Saturday, June 30, 2007
emotionality diri ini
Friday, June 29, 2007
unsafe community
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
mari baca satu cerita
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Tagged from Kak Red
- nampak casing camera? camera nye tade la kan dah duk amik gamba ni. mcm akak red gak la angkut camera p mana2 je. kot jumpe akak red sok luse leh amik gamba dua ye.
- compact powder. i hardly wear it but kalo dah muka kilat je, pakai la utk touch up sket. bior nampak elok rupenye hehe.
- ade satu jenis lipstick and satu lip gloss. itu ikut mood aritu la. kalo nampak glam2 sket pakai la lip gloss. but usually lip balm will do too.
- nampak kipas lipas? hah yg tu paham2 je la bile peluh2 tu, penyelamat tu. bile aircond kelas rosak ke, kat umah org kawen ke, jalan nak p parking kete ke. hah must have thing tau ini barang.
- ada body mist from body shop. bau plum. bese la bukan sume tempat p ari2 sejuk je. tambah2 p kelas. musti get ready dlm handbag wo. tapi kadang2 dirembat juge oleh classmates. huhu
- hah yg kaler biru tu tissue la apa lagik kan? time ni khas digunakan utk hidung yg berhingus. hahaha. baru baik demam ni, penuh hidung dgn hingus ku. ekeke
- kaler orange tu henpon. utk calling2.mak call tny kat mana, kul bape nak balik? tak nampak jalan umah ke? hahaha tp akak red leh gak calling2 saya. huhu ajak p minum2 ke. main bowling ke. tangan dah gatal nak campak bola bowling nih.
- hah ni out of handbag. nampak bwh handbag ade kaler merah? tu buku text hahaha saje nak bitau sbb baru balik study group la katakan. tu buku quantitative analysis.
okeh kak red, sile la lihat apa yang ada. sbenarnye byk lagi yg ade dlm beg tu. kadang2 ade pencil case, ada calculator. mana sempat, ku sumbat aje. akak sile jadi hakim okek.
p/s wish me luck for tomorrow exam. pray for me. thanks
Monday, June 18, 2007
went back class as usual after having lunch with bunch of friends. tadi dapat result 2nd test. yang i took mase demam aritu. malu nye result daku. what happen to me ntah. elok2 1st test the highest mark, skali 2nd test hancur. huwaaa demam nye pasal and silly mistakes. i cant think straight that time. all i need was sleep and rest. so i dpt 21/40. ye mmg la lulus kan? tapi buat malu je dpt gitu. hampeh tol. anyway tadi ade 3rd test. mintak2 ok la kan? kalo hancur gak tatau la nak jwb mende dah pasni.
hah tadi ade la dua org lelaki ini ajak p tgk wayang. satu ni Raja, satu lagi tatau la nama dia ape. dia ni surfboarder. bole tahan bes gak itu activity kan? tp nak ajak tgk malam ni. mana leh kuar malam on class night. mesti mak marah punye. lain kali kot. lagipun Raja dah temper ngan i kot sbb konon2 ngade2 nunggu special invitation. lagipun dia tgh gado ngan a girl kat situ gak. kenapa tu tatau la kan? anyway tak saba nak tgk transformer. hehe
Friday, June 15, 2007
alhamdulillah. enough said.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
still standing here
Monday, June 11, 2007
end of weekend
Sunday, June 10, 2007
2nd long day - i need to study!!
my uncle, little cousin and my other auntie
ni la rupe train yang i naik. kami pilih gerabak last. did u notice dat that kid holding an umbrella? tengah2 naik train dgn feeling nye skali ujan plak. so tempias la. kene la cover2.
after dat kitorang balik kampung kuantan, we went for that firefly place. after renovation that place had became better and organized. those people yang tak tahu apa tu firefly, its a one kind of insect that came out at night and enhance light thru its body. ala mcm dalam iklan TNB dulu la. nak pegi tgk firefly (kelip2) ni u kene redah sungai selangor dgn cara traditional. i mean sampan. tak bole pakai bot sbb kalo bising nnt kelip2 larik. no camera pls because its flashes. bole buat kelip2 tu lari gak. one tip i nak bagi kat sini for those people who are interested, pegi masa awal bulan around 1hb - 15hb. better. siyesly and make sure its not raining, but kalo after raining lagi banyak kelip2 kuar dari hutan. hey i enjoyed watching this fireflies when i was kid. ye la i tgk for free coz my uncle own that place. hehe. rate for this journey is rm40 per sampan. and satu sampan tu 4 org. well if u rase u tanak lepaskan peluang tgk mende ni, sila la. especially kids. mesti suke tgk bende ni. mesti rase nak simpan dalam botol waktu malam. well i dah penah buat mase kecik2.
then lepas balik dari kampung, i went out to uptown shah alam. nak bawak cousin jalan2. i went there wit couples of frens here and jalan2 tgk barang2 and end up with nothing to buy. coz i rase mcm tak perlu. but i saw a jacket. its a GAP jacket. i rase bundle and its original tau. rm190. jacket nye labuh. omg cantik sangat. tp bile pk takkan nak beli lak? ehehe after pusing2 kat uptown about 2 hours, we went for supper kat seksyen 7. makan2, gelak2, minum2 then anta my cousin and here i am posting an entry for my day out activities. hehe. and i berazam nak study esok. hehehe i can do it! go go naz.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
my long long day
mase i post this entry i just went back from jusco bukit raja. went for shrek 3 film. well kind of bored film i guess compared to shrek 1 and shrek 2. too straight to the point and not many jokes included in this film. but anyway i had my long day today. started last night which i cant sleep. i cant find the exact spot place to sleep even usually i use to sleep anywhere and at anytime. when finally i can close my eyes and sleep suddenly my mobile phone rang at 2 am. omg fully annoying kan? then i hard to sleep again. in addition i had nightmare last nite, i kena ugut akan dibunuh oleh orang jahat. im too scared dalam mimpi tu til i felt tension during sleep. in the morning i went to class as usual and traffic jamed! a bus accidently hit penghadang jalan at the 3rd lane in federal highway. malaysian people luv to watch and keep slow to see the accident. of course everybody dont want to miss to see live the incident but come on the bus had been pull out to emergency lane but still have people keep slow. then after arrived in uitm, race day for PALAPES (army) was held today. omg they blocking my way. i dont mind if they held the function here but guards should take care of them. do not allowed them to cross the road sesuka hati. sudahnya sampai nak terlanggar diorang pun ada. hadoi. silap2 tengah lari2 kene langgar lak dengan aku ni hah. pastu ive no mood in the class coz im sleepy. too sleepy for class. luckily that sir noticed how sleepy i am and asked me to do a task given in front of the class. after finished up the task, one of my classmate pengsan! dia asthma actually and demam currently. papah la dia keluar dari bilik yang sejuk ni. dah sibuk jaga dia. takut pape jadi kat dia pulak kan? punya la cuak tengok kawan sendiri pengsan sampai sesak2 nafas. lepas habis kelas, actually i tanak tengok wayang coz im too tired but i dah janji ngan kawan2 and i dah book ticket to so 7 of us went for shrek 3 but sadly its a boring film. then i went to mcd for ice cream thought it may be helpful to me. but stil cant recover my mood so decided to come home. after sending 4 other friends, i went home and my mom told me our Prime Minister will get married this Saturday to a woman name Jeanne Abdullah ( Jeanne Danker ) as stated by Pejabat Perdana Menteri.

New First Lady
im happy for our PM and i hope he will be happily ever after. amin.
p/s enough of my very long and long day. akak red, shopping sakan yerk. jgn lupe ole2 okek.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
rasa hati ini
Monday, June 04, 2007
Rimas - The Fabulous Cats
Sunday, June 03, 2007
me + insaf
Mai & Mak Ngah
korang mesti nak tahu apa hantaran. 15 hantaran tu but i insaf la bila tengok dari segi hantaran. some of the things yang diguna as hantaran i tak pernah terfikir nak guna and non branded of course. but they managed to wrap nicely even some of the things i pakai for daily use. but it is better than never. dengan duit hantaran rm5ooo, i rasa macam mimpi. almost people more than rm10000 as duit hantaran but Ngah ngan Mai rm5000 je.
the blue one is from man's side and the green is from woman's side
after negotiation between 2 side, we are welcomed to have our lunch and and that rite time, i baru perasan khemah yang disediakan untuk kami tu macam khemah yang ada kain canvas dan ditegakkan guna kayu. menarik sangat. selalunye khemah camni dibuat untuk penanggah je. cool kan?
i bukan nak kata i ni insaf dah jadi baik, tapi i bangga la dengan Ngah. se sen pun mak ngah ngan pak ngah tayah kuar2 cari mainan untuk adam. tetiba skang i terpk bila lak i nak kawen? overall i insaf sebab marriage isnt for meeting wife but how the other parties accept u unconditionally. it also isnt about money, it is one way of 2 differ party merged together. i insaf juga sebab i tak pernah tengok umah sehulu gini. and the lauk pauk, even barang2 hantaran tak glamour, he stil manage to get 15 hantaran even non branded things but yet stil meriah dengan kedatangan kami yang disambut dengan mesra. after 2 hours spend kat sana, kami pun balik and singgah di air terjun Hutan Lipur Lentang. kids went for swimming but person like me? watch and see only. heheh. overall i enjoyed my saturday life, im very proud of my Ngah and my DAD especially for his excellent job.
from the left: my mom, my dad, mak ngah, mai, ngah and this lil cute girl ana.